
Riedwaan Bassadien

Azure open source lead, Microsoft Azure Cloud

Riedwaan Bassadien, Azure open source lead, Microsoft Azure Cloud

Riedwaan Bassadien has over 20 years' IT experience spanning software engineering, sales and marketing. Born a talented coder and destined to craft beautiful code for the rest of his life, he was seduced into sales, marketing and business. Currently, he leads Azure open source at Microsoft South Africa, where he helps people and organisations do amazing things with open source. In his free time, when he is not hacking personal projects, Raspberry Pis or Arduinos, he can be found spending quality time with his wife and son, or strumming on his guitar.

Riedwaan Bassadien will be speaking on the following topic:

Microsoft @ SUSE Expert Days

Highlighting the synergy between Microsoft and SUSE with a focus on cloud-based workloads, SQL on Linux, and the developer community "cloud society".

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