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Five things property buyers need to ask about WiFi

For the rental market, WiFi connectivity is a definite plus, and can even be a deal-breaker if absent, says Andile Ngcaba, chairperson of the Wi-Fi Forum of SA.

By Andile Ngcaba
Johannesburg, 13 Jan 2016

WiFi connectivity is increasingly being bundled with other valued amenities in residential property developments across South Africa. A quick search on any search engine or property portal will reveal WiFi connectivity being touted across developments in areas as diverse as Gauteng's Sandton and Ottery in the Western Cape.

Anecdotal evidence suggests the advantages for property owners of equipping units with WiFi include the boosting of property values, while also helping to ensure quicker sales and rentals of available units. For the rental market, WiFi connectivity is a definite plus and can even be a deal-breaker, says Andile Ngcaba, Chairperson of the Wi-Fi Forum of SA (WFFSA).

With Internet connectivity almost on a par with water and electricity when it comes to essential utilities, we're seeing WiFi making the transition from a secondary connectivity option in public spaces to a primary connectivity option in people's private spaces. As their main outlet to the digital world, it has to be fast and it has to be affordable. WiFi can be both, if it is provided by a reputable service provider and meets global standards.

For their part, South Africa's property developers are proving to be enthusiastic WiFi adopters, with many newly built residential property developments punting wireless Web connectivity along with the usual selling features such as concierge services, gyms and entertainment areas.

WiFi connectivity in public open spaces is also becoming fairly widespread, with initiatives such as that in Tshwane and even WiFi-connected benches in Braamfontein taking the lead in connecting people as they go about their daily business. Residential property developers are now realising that WiFi adds a unique selling proposition to their newly built complexes.

However, not all WiFi installations are created equal. There are five points below that potential residential property buyers should note:

1. It is important to ask upfront how WiFi connectivity is billed in the complex. There is the need to understand whether the service provided is uncapped and/or if any shaping/throttling is applied, and if so, when?

2. Prospective residents should determine the number of WiFi-enabled devices and the data usage patterns of the devices they may have in their household, and then ask the developer if the Internet service provided to the complex would be sufficient if everyone had similar WiFi usage patterns.

3. Check if WiFi access is adequately provided throughout the development's common areas and not just in the private units. Relaxing by the pool won't be terribly relaxing at all if one can't find an Internet signal.

4. It's crucial to ascertain what technical support is provided if there are connectivity problems. In particular, who would tenants and owners call when there is an issue and what turnaround time can be expected.

5. Finally, don't take the agent or developer's word: ask current residents what their WiFi experience has been like. You'll soon get a sense of whether or not you can rely on the development's connectivity for Web-related work, leisure and entertainment.

There are myriad reasons to provide WiFi within residential developments, and chief among these is the fact that shared connectivity is extremely affordable.


Wi-Fi Forum of SA

The Wi-Fi Forum of SA (WFFSA) regularly engages leading industry associations and other stakeholders on areas of common interest when it comes to promoting WiFi as a viable and affordable open-access communications technology that can contribute significantly to the achievement of government and society's goals in the spheres of health, education, entrepreneurship, job creation and crime prevention.