
The transformative role of analytics in education

Johannesburg, 28 Jan 2016
SAS Whitepaper: The Transformative Role of Analytics in Education.
SAS Whitepaper: The Transformative Role of Analytics in Education.

The faculty senate formed a task force to study grades and grade inflation. The university administration was not exactly thrilled about the faculty senate taking on such an endeavour. The task force looked at 1.5 million grades assigned over a 14-year period, all linked to the classrooms. The analysis revealed issues that were disturbing to the university. As soon as the report was accepted, it was put on the shelf.

This story, or something like it, might look familiar to K-12 and higher education leaders. How are decisions made in the organisation? Are they driven from the top down, with hopes that the IT team, institutional research and finance can implement the visions of the president and chancellor? Or is decision-making based on gut feel? Perhaps a faculty member with a big voice and a bigger reputation influences what will and will not happen in the institution. Are decisions based on personal preferences, traditions and entrenched policies - or driven by verifiable facts? If the facts prove unsavoury, are they swept under the rug?

Education leaders at all levels know it is no longer enough to collect data just to deliver hindsight reports. It is time to use diverse data sources to make better, fact-based decisions that improve student success and professional development - and in higher education, fact-based decisions that also improve enrolment, research and administration.
