
Classification is a business imperative

Johannesburg, 08 Mar 2016
Whitepaper: Classification is a business imperative
Whitepaper: Classification is a business imperative

The responsibility of securing organisational data needs to be in the hands of anyone who creates it, and not lie solely with the IT department. Unsecured data leaves organisations open to lost intellectual property, significant fines, loss of investor trust, loss of clients, and lawsuits. With the proliferation of data-sharing applications, mobile device and remote access, the task of securing data has become too great a responsibility for the IT department to manage effectively on its own.

While technology has the potential to help enforce data security policies, without a pervasive culture of data security users fail to use the technology properly. Either due to a lack of training or the complexity of the security tools, studies continue to show that employees frequently violate information security protocols. And worse, many employees use methods to circumvent security technologies they feel hinder efficient workflow.

This combination of data-sharing technologies, poor training, and indifference to security policy converts the people inside your organisation - those who should be the most trustworthy - into one of the biggest data breach risks.
