
Top 20 passwords - to avoid

Staff Writer
By Staff Writer, ITWeb
Johannesburg, 18 Jul 2013
"Password1" emerged as the most commonly used password by percentage in the 3.1 million passwords Trustwave looked at for its Global Security Report 2013.
"Password1" emerged as the most commonly used password by percentage in the 3.1 million passwords Trustwave looked at for its Global Security Report 2013.

While it may appear cyber criminals are becoming smarter and their online attacks and breaches more sophisticated, this is not necessarily so.

John Yeo, director of Spiderlabs at security firm Trustwave for Europe, the Middle East and Africa, says the fact of the matter is - despite persistent security threats - there is "still so much low-hanging fruit out there" that attacks do not need to be more sophisticated.

One of the common online defence failures, according to threat intelligence investigation by Trustwave, is in online passwords.

Each year, Trustwave analyses millions of passwords in its quest to expose security threats around the world. According to the firm's latest Global Security Report, the following are examples of the most commonly used passwords, starting with the most widely used:

1. Password1
2. Password
3. 123456
4. P@ssw0rd
5. Password123
6. Password2
7. Summer12
8. password1
9. 12345678
10. Welcome2
11. Spring2012
12. Summer2012
13. Password3
14. Hello123
15. Welcome3
16. Spring12
17. Pa$$w0rd
18. p@ssword
19. Summer11
20. Password9
