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IISA announces keynote speakers for Global Public Policy Conference

By IT Public Relations
Johannesburg, 01 Mar 2001

The Information Industry South Africa (IISA) has announced that Dr Irving Hamer Jr, member of the New York City Board of Education, and the honourable Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister of Sweden, will be keynote speakers at the Global Public Policy Conference 2001, to be hosted by IISA. The conference marks the first WITSA (World IT and Service Alliance) conference to be held on the African continent, and will take place in Cape Town during September this year.

Carl Bildt has served as the High Representative for peace negotiations in Bosnia and Herzegovina from 1995 to 1996, and is currently chairman of the Moderate Party in Sweden. He is also a member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London and has been chairman of the International Democrat union (IDU) since 1992.

Dr Irving Hamer Jr is currently co-chairman of, a start-up educational service, where the Internet is a key distribution tool. He was appointed to the New York City Board of Education by Manhatten Borough President in July 1998 and currently presides over the nation`s largest public school district, serving more than one million students.

"The theme of the conference, The Digital Divide, refers to the polarising effect digital technology has on developing economies," explains Adrian Schofield, IISA president. "The conference will discuss ways to narrow the Digital Divide, thus bringing developing economies closer together."

According to Schofield, the GPPC will closely examine the positive effect IT has on education, government, health care services and other key areas. Speakers will discuss present day applications, the exploding areas of e-commerce, the Internet, communications, B2B transactions, current trends, and ways in which new technology will impact people`s future lives.

The GPPC is one of the conferences arranged by WITSA, of which IISA is the South African representative member. The World Congress on IT enables business, industrial, academic and political leaders from around the world to examine the future of IT, and discuss issues concerning research and development, governmental policy, technological applications and marketing channels.


Information Industry South Africa

Information Industry South Africa, an ICT umbrella body formed in October 1999, provides a co-ordinated forum for the industry to address issues of common interest and is an effective channel of communication with Government, particularly in relation to the issues of overlapping ICT related programmes and projects in the country. IISA promotes an understanding of the value that ICT can contribute to improving the quality of life of the South African population.

Information and communications technology specialists need a forum where regional, national and international information networks and associations can meet, exchange ideas and formulate common policies.

Although the members have different interests, all share the need for a healthy ICT industry in South Africa. Information Industry South Africa will provide the facilities to give a more streamlined network to develop resources, exchange accurate information, and improve the understanding of the various issues in the ICT industry.

Information Industry South Africa also works to attract international conferences and exhibitions to South Africa.

Member organisations of Information Industry South Africa:

  • The Black IT Forum (BITF)
  • The Computer Society of South Africa (CSSA)
  • The Electronic Commerce Association of South Africa (ECASA)
  • The Electronic Industries Federation (EIF)
  • The South African Value Added Networks Service Providers Association (SAVA)
  • The Local Office of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
  • CompTIA
  • The ISETT Sector Education & Training Authority
  • The IT Association (ITA) incorporating the IT Users Council (ITUC)
  • The National IT Forum (NITF)
  • The South African Electrotechnical Export Council (SAEEC)
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