Nicolas Blank, founder and Group CEO at NBConsult.

Nicolas Blank, founder and Group CEO at NBConsult.

For South African companies, 2018 is the year of the cloud – effectively it's year zero.

This is according to Nicolas Blank, founder and Group CEO at NBConsult.

"Many companies are waiting for the African instance of the Microsoft Cloud data centre to land on our shores and only then will they implement their cloud strategy. But we believe that companies should strategise and plan as if the MS data centre is already here."

Having helped many of its international clients move their workloads to Microsoft Cloud, NBConsult has seen how much easier it is for businesses to replace their data centre-based applications with cloud-based equivalents, either partly or completely by adopting a lift-and-shift approach, when there are Azure data centres in their country.

That being said, if all we do is help our clients move their data to the cloud quickly and efficiently without exposing them to any additional value, then I believe we've missed the point, says Blank.

"The benefits go beyond simply moving a workload into the cloud. By following the right steps on your cloud journey, we are able to identify where customers can boost business performance and derive real value from the cloud."

Gaining value from cloud in three simple steps

Based on our extensive global experience, we've developed the following cloud adoption programme to ensure that our customers not only have a successful transition to cloud but also derive all of the value that cloud has to offer.

Designed to maximise gains in cloud spending, we believe that local business can derive immediate and long-term value by following these three steps:

Cloud Ready – The initial stage assesses the customer's readiness to adopt cloud services. This step entails an exploratory workshop based offering, which may be zero-rated depending on the customer's existing licensing agreements with Microsoft. The aim of this workshop is to determine if clients are ready to go to the cloud, and where they should be focusing their attention when they're properly equipped to do so.

Cloud Enabled – The cornerstone of this stage drives adoption while rapidly moving customer applications and data to the chosen cloud service provider. During this stage, we will work with the client to identify additional benefits and ensure their investments are a success.

Cloud Improved – This stage identifies where continual value can be derived from cloud products, with services including everything from managed licensing and cloud-based desktop support to information governance as a service, security and DR as a service.

This three-step programme soft launched in the South African market following Microsoft's African data centre announcement last year. With foreign and local customers across different industries and time zones enjoying cloud adoption success, it's time for your business to do the same.

NBConsult's extensive cloud-based consulting products are already available to all its South African customers. For more information and to find out how it can help you on your cloud journey, please do get in touch via 021 914 2348 or e-mail