
Busisiwe Mathe

Chairperson of the South African Governing Board and member of the Africa Governance Board

Busisiwe Mathe is the chairman of the SA PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) governing board and serves as a member on the PwC Africa Governance Board. She is also the current Risk Assurance Services Cyber Security and Privacy leader in SA.

Having worked in SA and the US, she has been involved in numerous projects at PwC, including starting and implementing the Corporate Audit Forum (CAF) at PwC, an initiative aimed at getting chief audit executives and heads of internal audit together to discuss pertinent issues in the space.

In 2013, Mathe represented the PwC Africa firm at a global leader's development programme 'Genesis Park’ in China for three months, along with 41 candidates from across the PwC global network.

She is currently taking part in PwC's Network Leadership Development Programme, which was designed to accelerate people development on a trajectory towards more significant roles in PwC globally, and provide them with the opportunity to develop and practice essential leadership skills in the context of critical network roles.

Developing people and communities is where she finds her inspiration, and for a number of years, she has been involved with PwC’s staff-funded CSR initiative, Umbono, that supports seven charities. Believing that people are an organisation’s biggest asset, Mathe has also been involved in PwC’s talent programmes, Prism and Altitude for a number of years, and she coaches and mentors students and young professionals through partnerships with organisations such as YLED and Dreamgirls.

Busisiwe Mathe will be speaking on the following topic:

KEYNOTE: Ethical leadership and corporate governance in the age of digitisation

While technology is rapidly evolving, legislation and compliance cannot catch up quickly enough. How can we, as business leaders, push the boundaries and advance our organisation into Industry 4.0, but remain certain that we are being ethical? Digitisation brings with it a whole new set of opportunities and risks; how do we navigate this? During this session, we will:

  • Link effective leadership to long-term sustainability;
  • Assess how to best govern evolving technology; and
  • Navigate the opportunities and risks that digitisation brings with it.

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