White paper: Kofax examines intelligent automation

Johannesburg, 07 Jan 2019

When the automated teller machine (ATM) went mainstream, there was widespread fear that ATMs would automate away and displace bank tellers. But, what actually happened once the dust settled on those shiny new machines?

Despite predictions to the contrary, macro trends and workforce economics worked to everyone's benefit. Banks improved productivity and increased profitability by transforming the workforce from dispensing cash (a low-value transactional activity) to originating additional loans for customers (a higher-value, judgment-based activity). Employees were rewarded with new skills, making them more marketable and mobile while enjoying higher wages. And finally, customer experience was enhanced through 24/7 access, faster transaction times and better accuracy.

The workplace is experiencing a similar type of automation renaissance with robotic process automation (RPA), a technology that uses software robots to automate repetitive tasks and manual processes, enhancing the work of your employees by interacting with Web sites, business and desktop applications, databases and people to execute repetitive and often mundane work. This white paper will explore RPA and intelligent automation.
