You'll never guess who is misleading your company... while costing you a fortune

By SeeClear Consulting
Cape Town, 24 Jul 2017

Being misled as a transitive verb: to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief. Does this sound familiar after you procure telecom services? In my experience, trouble starts for most companies around nine months' post-acquisition when sales euphoria subsides and the true cost of the services acquired starts to show.

Why am I telling you this? When it comes to telecom expense management (TEM) it becomes increasingly important to find a better way to manage these costly yet essential assets to your company that will benefit you and not the carriers.

How do you do this? By employing an independent Telecom Expense Management provider, who will perform thorough telecom audits and uncover billing errors which do not create a conflict of interest with carriers. In addition, the choice of carriers and plans is done in the best interest of your company since there are no financial ties to the telecom suppliers. Forget the notion that vendor native TEM solutions will truly benefit your company.

Get back on track!

The best way is to combine two opposing strategies. Outsourcing and In-house management that will provide:

* Knowledge share and training of your in-house telecom managers;
* Expertly co-managed telecom estates; and
* Utilising best in class TEM software.

Choosing a vendor agnostic, nonbiased TEM provider that complements your strongest internal assets with the disciplines better performed by the third party, your company can achieve control, efficiencies, and cost savings that otherwise are simply out of reach. As an example, outsourcing a management discipline such as dispute resolution or contract negotiation may make sense where other areas such as daily usage and policy implementation are best handled in-house.

What are your plans to get control of your expensive telecom services? Is the answer, still walking blindly with your vendor? In today's difficult economic and competitive environment, that would just be crazy!

Remember - One dashboard could truly rule them all!


Editorial contacts

Laura Coetzee