
Samuel De Swardt, senior business intelligence and data architect, Stanlib

Samuel De Swardt

senior business intelligence architect, StanLib

Samuel De Swardt is senior business intelligence architect at StanLib, one of the largest financial asset management companies in southern Africa, which currently manages in excess of R584 billion of financial assets across the retail and institutional sectors.

With more than 15 years’ experience in BI, data warehousing and architecture, spanning a wide range of industries and companies, among those government organisations, Barlows Equipment, Pfizer Pharmaceutical, Anglo American and, currently, Stanlib, De Swardt has strong analytical capabilities and is a great believer of constant innovation and improvement, continuously analysing data and data patterns.

Samuel De Swardt will be speaking on the following topics:

Thought-leadership Unpacking latest trends: The next generation of BI and analytics

The IT industry and the world at large have always been subject to technology and business trends, sometimes undergoing major changes, such as the development of the personal computer, client/server computing, the evolution of the Internet, and now cloud computing. Over the last few years, new trends have emerged that have had an enormous influence on how organisations work, interact, communicate, collaborate and protect themselves. IT meta-trends influence organisations' strategies, operations and investments in a wide variety of ways: digitalisation, security and privacy seem to make the most headlines now, but agility, cloud, mobile and artificial intelligence are also major technology drivers. These meta-trends can be considered as the main drivers behind a number of important trends, either related to the use of software and technologies for BI/analytics and data management, or to the way the use of technology is organised in companies.