
Bloomberg deploys Nexi powered by Vidyo

Being a part of the partnership between Vidyo and Bloomberg has been a highlight for me as Vidyo CEO, says Eran Westman.

By Eran Westman
Cape Town, 14 Jan 2016

Building and deploying Bloomberg's all-new global communications platform spurred a truly remarkable partnership between Vidyo and Bloomberg and being a part of this deployment has been a highlight for me as CEO, says Eran Westman.

Vidyo was fortunate to work with Bloomberg's visionary team, who challenged and pushed it to new heights. All the hard work paid off when Bloomberg flawlessly deployed Nexi globally to more than 17 000 employees located in 150+ locations in 73 countries in only 60 hours!

Bloomberg required a global, customised, high quality, scalable, solution that could easily bring people in from outside the corporate firewall. Simplicity was key. With Nexi it only takes a single click to connect Bloomberg employees and external participants!

Vidyo partnered with Bloomberg to create a fully customised, unique solution that preserved the look and feel of the Bloomberg brand and it sees the requirement for customisation becoming an increasingly important differentiator for it with other customers as well. The VidyoWorks APIs lets Bloomberg and other companies build their own custom solution or add Vidyo to existing applications. Vidyo does not believe in a "one-size-fits-all" approach to collaboration and its flexible, powerful platform is the clear choice when customisation is desired.

Nexi has taken off at Bloomberg. In the first three months of the deployment Nexi users have logged more than 25 million video conferencing minutes! Those 25 million minutes were comprised of 600 000+ video calls that were 15 minutes or longer with a minimum three participants. And the best part? Bloomberg does not need a dedicated video conferencing support staff - all Nexi calls are initiated by individual users, on a desktop, smartphone or in one of Bloomberg's 850 conference rooms around the world.

The speed and strength of this deployment is a testament to the standard of excellence, detail and precision that Bloomberg sets for itself and demands from its partners, like Vidyo. Bloomberg is an innovative, visionary, exemplary organisation, not only in its business but in how it works.

Bloomberg has truly redefined what it means to be a partner - the hard work from its team and Vidyo's has not only delivered a great result to Bloomberg, it has helped build a stronger, better platform, for all of Bloomberg's customers. Vidyo looks forward to our continued partnership with Bloomberg to help deliver on its vision.

Editorial contacts

Craig Watson
(021) 300 1087