
Data is the common denominator

By Rob Zagey, Competitive Intelligence Specialist (Product Management) at Pyramid Analytics

Johannesburg, 06 Dec 2022

What do you think is the most critical requirement in your organisation? 

This is the question I ask many people who I engage with, including C-Suite executives, who work directly and indirectly in the data analytics space. 

Depending on where they come from, what they studied and where they work, I always get a different answer, which I find surprising in a data-driven world.

I challenge you to ask yourself and your colleagues the same question.

For example, ask a South African C-Suite and the answer will most probably be accounting; one must know the numbers. Ask someone from America and it will most likely be product development.

While these answers are fascinating for a variety of personal and business reasons, one being the educational focus in different countries, here is the answer I share: I believe the most important requirement across any organisation today is a data skill.

Think about it for a fraction of a second.

Every part of your organisation needs and hopefully is trying to use data to provide the best go-to-market offering, including human resources, procurement, finance, product development, marketing, sales, operations and so on.

They are all trying to source data, store data, protect data, analyse data and use it to further enhance what they are doing or wanting to achieve through intelligent decision-making and realistic applications of the knowledge gained.

While there are studies that indicate the world’s top companies today are all data-driven, it should be an easy conclusion to arrive at.

The best way to gain an understanding of your people and your business is through the data it owns because, remember, data is your most important asset! How are you using it?

In my analytical mind, it makes logical sense that data is the common denominator. Data analysis skills with decision intelligence form the most critical requirements in business today – it applies to everyone and everywhere.

The future is a common denominator for us all; add data to this and we have a chance of creating the golden thread that runs through our personal and work lives that could positively change the world!


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Pyramid Analytics

Pyramid Analytics’ vision is to automate the decision-making process to empower anyone to make faster, more intelligent decisions with any data, for any person and any analytics need. Decision Intelligence is what’s next in analytics.

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