
Oc'e certifies variable data software

Johannesburg, 11 Feb 2010

Oc'e has announced that it has certified Objectif Lune's business document software for its new line of production cut-sheet printers. Objectif Lune is a leader in the development and commercialisation of variable data document production software solutions, while Oc'e is a leading provider of high-speed digital production printers.

“Oc'e customers will benefit from a streamlined workflow with the newly certified PrintShop Mail, which enables workflow automation on the entire Oc'e production cut-sheet portfolio,” says Anthony Jones of Oc'e South Africa's DDS division.

As a result, Oc'e customers can fully benefit from diverse variable data printing options with streamlined workflow and integrated finishing options on transactional and transpromo documents. The efficiency is reinforced by the Oc'e PRISMAsync controller platform. Oc'e's certification underlines an easy to use and efficient variable data printing application.

Objectif Lune's PrintShop Mail is a software solution that helps companies to create new business with highly personalised and professional one-to-one communications. Designed to capture new business and increase response rates, PrintShop mail has applications in all business environments.

The software comes as a desktop version for producing one-off communications for prospecting, or a Web version for managing and producing ongoing and repetitive communications, enabling customers to do more as their business grows.

Editorial contacts

Alison Job
V Squared Marketing
(+27) 11 678 2227
Peter Enslin
(+27) 11 661 9555