
White paper: File Analysis Suite: Sensitive data discovery to drive insight, data protection

File Analysis Suite: Modern, highly scalable SaaS for data minimisation, data privacy readiness, data protection and data preservation.

Johannesburg, 13 Oct 2022

Micro Focus File Analysis Suite (FAS) SaaS platform addresses key business transformation and data readiness challenges. FAS provides file analysis, tagging, analytics and collaboration across mission-critical unstructured repositories, including file shares, Exchange, SharePoint, Micro Focus Content Manager, Office365, Teams/SharePoint Online, GoogleDrive and cloud stores, including Amazon S3 and Azure Blob Stores. File Analysis Suite’s AI-driven analytics capabilities deliver insight based on contextually aware analytics, and PII detection across 39+ country-specific identifiers including the European Economic area, US, Canada, Turkey, Brazil, NZ, Australia and Japan.

Through value-added data assessment and discovery, analytics and data management capabilities, File Analysis Suite extends the value of our customers' investment in managing information risk associated with changing and evolving global data privacy regulations. File Analysis Suite allows customers to confront the mounting technical debt associated with unbridled data growth and helps drive down the total cost of compliance.

Please download this white paper to learn more.
