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  • Matthew Tagg

Matthew Tagg

MD of WebAfrica.

Matthew Tagg is a 28-year-old, born-and-bred Capetonian. He completed his degree - a BSc majoring in Computer Science - at the University of Cape Town. The Internet entrepreneur launched his first company, WebAfrica, in 1997 while completing his studies. Under Tagg's leadership, the Internet service provider has grown to over 75 employees, servicing a customer base of over 25 000 subscribers. Since 2003, WebAfrica has enjoyed organic growth of 300% a year, and today is growing at a rate of over 1 000 new customers per month. Tagg places a relentless focus on innovation and WebAfrica invests significant resources in research and development, which has led to the development of many of WebAfrica's own technologies.


TechForumNov 3, 2009

Should Internet conform?

Government should tread lightly when considering Internet regulations, says Matthew Tagg, CEO of Web Africa.

InnovationsMar 11, 2008

Internet innovation passes us by

SA produces the top brains in Internet technology but cannot reap the rewards.

Internet securityFeb 20, 2008

The mafia moves online

Cyber-criminals scam and spam their way into a $105 billion industry.