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  • Doug Mattheus

Doug Mattheus

Marketing director at Nashua Mobile

Doug Mattheus is marketing director at Nashua Mobile, where he is in charge of marketing and product development, and is involved in the strategy of the business. He has been with the group for 10 years and in the cellular industry from its inception. Mattheus has spoken at numerous conferences on a variety of topics around marketing, sponsorship, strategy and general business.


CellularAug 2, 2005

WiFi, cellular convergence gathers momentum

New technologies and standards will boost the convergence of WiFi and cellular networks around the world over the next two to three years.

SMSOct 18, 2004

Streamlining internal comms with SMS

With SMS already established as a powerful tool for external communications, corporate SA is likely to start leveraging it for internal marketing and communications.

CellularAug 20, 2004

How hard is mobile hitting your bottom line?

Now that everyone is well and truly connected, companies are starting to dig a little deeper into the cost implications of constant mobile communication.

CellularJul 9, 2004

African cellular boom-time

Africa is the world`s fastest-growing market for mobile communications. Between 1998 and 2003, the market for cellphone technology on the continent has grown at around 63% a year, almost twice the world average.

CellularOct 7, 2003

On the road to mobile sales

The latest mobile technology offers the promise of an always-on work environment, with the resultant cost-efficiencies and sales boost.