
Management shake-up at arivia.kom

Johannesburg, 11 Jul 2005

The management shake-up at state-owned IT group arivia.kom continues, with the suspension of another two senior managers.

COO Hugo Knoetze says head of service level management Yardan Michael, and business development manager Kagiso Mokgatle were recently suspended on full pay, following a "limited investigation".

A full investigation is under way into the events leading up to their suspension, but Knoetze refuses to be drawn on the circumstances behind the decision.

"We hope to wrap up the investigation as soon as possible, but I can`t comment on the reasons behind the suspensions at this stage," he says.

This latest move follows last month`s announcement that arivia.kom had placed its head of outsourcing, Zakes Mnisi, on "extended leave", pending the completion of an internal probe.

Knoetze would also not reveal reasons for management`s decision to place Mnisi on leave, but says this incident and the latest suspensions are not related. They do, however, form part of the company`s management shake-up, which is in full swing.

"When I was appointed to my current position, I did say we would have to make some tough calls. We have to look after shareholders` interests," says Knoetze, who took up the position of COO on 1 April this year.

When asked if any further suspensions or actions against members of management could be expected, he replies: "Hopefully not, but I can`t rule it out."

Knoetze denies the company is facing a crisis, but says there is a need to "refine the business".

"We have a strong business, but we have to perform even better."

Related stories:
Arivia puts exec on 'extended leave`
Arivia names acting outsourcing head
