
Gartner: Virtualisation has security risks

Candice Jones
By Candice Jones, ITWeb online telecoms editor
Johannesburg, 10 Apr 2007

Gartner: Virtualisation has security risks

A Gartner report shows that companies who are rushing to deploy virtualisation strategies are overlooking possible security risks, reports Malaysia's Computerworld.

"Virtualisation, as with any emerging technology, will be the target of new security threats," says Neil MacDonald, a vice president at Gartner, in a published statement. Virtualisation technologies present a layer that can be attacked and will require security, warns Gartner.

"Many organisations mistakenly assume that their approach for securing virtual machines will be the same as securing any OS and thus plan to apply their existing configuration guidelines, standards and tools," says MacDonald.

SOA on the rise

An Evans Data Corporation's survey shows that service-oriented architecture (SOA) is expected to double over the next two years, reports SOA World.

The survey showed that nearly to a quarter of enterprise-level developers already have SOA in place, and another 28% intend to implement it within the next 24 months. 10% of the respondents said they currently have grid computing and it seems that this number will triple, to 30%, within 24 months.

"Enterprise integration and the need for flexible business processes continues to drive the demand for SOA as a viable and popular option to achieving competent IT infrastructure, says John Andrews, President of Evans Data Corporation.

SOA software extends Red Hat's governance

SOA Software and Red Hat are partnering, a move which signals the growing market for open SOA solutions, reports Ajax World.

"The era of Open Source SOA is here," said Roberto Medrano, executive vice president of SOA Software. "And this partnership is evidence that innovative solutions are available today. SOA software on Red Hat's JBoss Enterprise Middleware is expected to improve governance, security and management.

Customers can use SOA Software Infrastructure Suite with JBoss Application Server today. In the future, SOA Software will extend its support to JBoss ESB.
