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Senegal to get secured Internet services as MicroWorld partners with ARC Informatique

By MicroWorld
Johannesburg, 20 Jul 2007

The advanced global security solution provider, MicroWorld Technologies, today announced its partnership with ARC Informatique, the second biggest ISP and ICT solution provider in Senegal.

ARC now becomes the premium distributor of MicroWorld's security product eScan.

Apart from providing high-quality Internet services to the nation's growing number of Web users, ARC offers value-added e-mail and Web-hosting services to customers.

It has an established client-base in segments like manufacturing industries, institutions, insurances companies, embassies, hotels, schools and home PC users. ARC's other areas of operation include integration of network and telecom solutions, as well as software engineering.

Senegal's economy is on the upswing. The nation has an increasing number of call centres mainly serving France and other European countries, a developing private sector delivering value added services, and one of the best telecommunication networks in sub-Saharan Africa. The scenario clearly calls for protecting information systems in these sunshine segments with proactive security solutions.

In partnership with ARC Informatique, MicroWorld will now delver eScan to home users, business houses and other organisations in Senegal. eScan is a comprehensive anti-virus, anti-spam and content security product that safeguards computers and networks from viruses, trojans, worms, spyware, adware, malware, keyloggers, hackers, spammers, phishers, objectionable content and more.

"We identify Senegal to be an important market for MicroWorld, and the partnership with ARC Informatique will definitely bring in results benefiting both of us," said Sunil Kripalani, Vice-President - Global Sales and Marketing, MicroWorld Technologies.

"Being an ISP and solution integrator, ARC already has a direct customer base in place, while I'm sure with the kind of technological expertise and marketing wisdom they possess, they can capture a much wider audience in the Senegal market".

"The biggest advantage we see in developing markets like Senegal and the rest of Africa is that we have a relatively level playing field. Customers are more concerned about the quality and performance of the product and effective technical support than anything else. And when it comes to competing with other solution providers on these yardsticks, we surely have the game in our hands," Kripalani added.

Mohsen Chirara, CEO of ARC Informatique, also has his vision clear on the partnership. He said: "As a reseller of MicroWorld, we have been promoting eScan for some time now. Deriving strength from the highly-positive response of our customers, we've now decided to further strengthen our relationship with MicroWorld by becoming their premium distributor. Along with Senegal, we will be catering to Malian markets too as ARC has established its presence there as well".

"While most business houses out here would opt for a centrally-managed security solution with minimum administrative overhead, the home users would go for install-and-forget software to safeguard their computers from a range of threats. With tailored versions of eScan available for both these segments, we are poised to offer free Internet services to Web users and gain a substantial security market share in the next six months," Chirara pointed out.



MicroWorld Technologies is the developer of highly-advanced anti-virus, content security and firewall software solutions eScan, MailScan, and eConceal. MicroWorld Winsock Layer (MWL) is the revolutionary technology that powers most of MicroWorld products, enabling them to achieve several certifications and awards by some of the most prestigious testing bodies, notable among them being Virus Bulletin, Checkmark, TUCOWS, Red Hat Ready and Novell Ready.

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