
Disney combines media, gaming

By Ilva Pieterse, ITWeb contributor
Johannesburg, 09 Jun 2008

Disney combines media, gaming

Walt Disney plans to merge its digital media group with its video gaming division to create a new unit called Disney Interactive Media Group, says CNN Money.

"As console and handheld games become more connected to the Internet, and as Internet and mobile become increasingly robust destinations for games and a range of interactive entertainment, we are taking this opportunity to integrate these activities," a memo said.

Disney spokesman John Spelich confirmed the new digital unit. "Bob's memo speaks for itself," he said.

PS3s get in-game ads

Sony is opening up its PlayStation 3 platform to allow brands to advertise on the medium, says Ad Week.

The deal could be worth $100 million over three years to Sony. Video game marketer Electronic Arts will be the first to take advantage of the PlayStation 3 platform via its EA Sports and EA brands.

EA Sports games include Madden NFL football, NBA Live basketball, Nascar racing and NHL hockey.

Xbox 360 does not violate patents

In the third of five lawsuits brought against Microsoft by Alcatel-Lucent SA, a federal jury has ruled that the Microsoft Xbox 360 console does not violate any patents held my Alcatel-Lucent and threw the case out, says After Dawn.

The technology company had wanted $420 million in damages. However, Microsoft counter-sued for $11.5 million in damages, claiming that Alcatel-Lucent had infringed one of its patents.

The jury ruled that "one of Microsoft's patents was invalid and found that Alcatel-Lucent didn't violate another four of the company's patents".
