
Local pros go to HITB

By Ilva Pieterse, ITWeb contributor
Johannesburg, 07 Feb 2008

IT solutions provider TelSpace has been invited to present at this year's Hack in the Box (HITB) conference in Dubai.

Dino Covotsos, CEO, and Charlton Smith, security analyst at TelSpace, were extended invitations.

"This is the second time we will present at HITB," explains Covotsos. "But it is the first time we will offer our wireless and Bluetooth security course there."

Covotsos says the first time this course, developed entirely in-house, was offered was at the Sector Security Conference, in Toronto in November last year.

"The course was so well received that we were asked to present it at HITB. We have since added a demonstration for delegates on how to turn their iTouchs and iPhones into hacking devices."

Covotsos and Smith will also demonstrate at ITWeb's Security Summit in May, with a more local focus.

"Most local companies had not heard about the security implication associated with Bluetooth when it was first introduced, and this is largely why I began this Bluetooth campaign," explains Covotsos. "Although awareness has definitely increased, South Africa is still far behind international standards."

"When we go on 'war drives', we discover many local companies with only wired equivalent privacy (WEP) or even no encryption," says Smith. "We feel it pertinent to educate local companies and to keep them updated with local trends."

The 2008 HITB conference is taking place from the 14 to 17 April. TelSpace's course will run over the first two days.

"Our course is very practical. We demonstrate to delegates how easy it is to break into various wireless networks," Covotsos concludes.

Related story:
Bluetooth opens vulnerability window
