
Dealstream updates trading system

Johannesburg, 01 Feb 2008

Local derivatives broker Dealstream will go live with its updated trading system, Aviator Spitfire, today.

This is the third iteration of the real-time trading tool for private and institutional investors. Aviator Spitfire has been approved by the JSE.

Dealstream chief executive Russell Leigh says the system allows individuals or companies to access the market directly and maintain a full investment history.

"This system is about putting the control into the hands of the investors. It's not just a trading system, it is a full portfolio manager which enables the user to drill back into his or her history, identify trends and track progress."

Additionally, the real-time connection to the bourse allows users to conduct their own trades without the intervention of a broker, says Leigh.

"This means that investors can become day traders if they choose."

Dealstream already has a "couple of thousand" installations of the system. These customers have received notification of the update and details of where to access the download. The system is also available to new users.

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