
World Summit draft promotes access for all

By Georgina Guedes, Contributor
Johannesburg, 28 Jul 2003

An inter-session meeting held at UNESCO`s Paris headquarters saw the completion of a draft declaration of principles to be considered by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) taking place from 10 to 12 December.

The purpose of the WSIS is to develop a "common vision and understanding of the information society and the adoption of a declaration and plan of action for implementation by governments, international institutions and all sectors of civil society". The draft breaks down these intentions into concrete goals with real deadlines.

Issues such as the individual`s right to communicate and have access to information were highlighted, setting targets like establishing an international fund to finance the implementation of ICT projects in rural areas within three years.

According to the draft, all countries should revise their school curricula to meet the challenges of the information society within three years, requiring all universities to be connected by 2005, secondary schools by 2010 and primary schools by 2015.

"This is exactly what we need and it is wonderful that these sort of goals have been laid out," says Annette van der Laan, CEO of CS Holdings, which provides IT training to teachers in South African schools. "The sooner we can get the connectivity and syllabi to support our schools, the better. This would hugely enhance SA`s ability to become a globalised and competitive economy."

The draft also touched on the issues associated with making Internet content available in many languages as well as to the blind and deaf.

Broadband was another issue highlighted, stating that all interested countries should be provided with technical assistance in the establishment of broadband networks. Issues such as intellectual property rights, Internet governance and security were also discussed. For the complete draft document, click here.

The WSIS will be held in two phases. The first will take place in Geneva from 10 to 12 December this year, and the second in Tunis from 16 to 18 November 2005.
