
MyADSL welcomes ICASA report

Staff Writer
By Staff Writer, ITWeb
Johannesburg, 01 Aug 2005

The MyADSL forum has welcomed the Independent Communication Authority of SA`s (ICASA`s) report on Telkom`s ADSL services. The report was published in the Government Gazette last week.

It followed a recent ICASA investigation in response to numerous complaints over Telkom`s ADSL pricing.

Describing the report as "hard-hitting", MyADSL says it tackles many of the most pertinent issues that concern broadband users.

MyADSL says in a statement that the most "prominent" findings are:

* ADSL access charges are not justifiable.
* The current bandwidth caps are inadequate and should be increased in line with international standards.
* Local traffic should not count towards the cap.
* Traffic shaping is not justified and should be removed.
* Telkom should engage in service level agreements with customers.
* Users should have the option of static IP addresses.
* Telkom should guarantee certain levels of service.

"If these measures are fully implemented as regulation we can expect the broadband landscape to change significantly. The two major shifts expected are a big reduction in the price of ADSL and the general service should improve significantly," says MyADSL.

"These changes will stimulate broadband uptake in SA, which in turn will boost the economy and especially the IT industry. ADSL access will also be more readily available and not only something that is enjoyed by the privileged few.

"In SA, we should see a natural migration from dial-up to broadband, but currently the high ADSL prices inhibit this otherwise global trend."

The MyADSL forum says it held a poll on the report, and around 90% of the respondents had described the report as "excellent".

Related story:
Telkom not informed of ICASA report
