
USAASA appoints former Telkom specialist

Johannesburg, 14 Feb 2008

The Universal Service and Access Agency of SA (USAASA) has appointed Sharon Horton, a former Telkom senior legal specialist, as its new head of corporate affairs.

Horton's appointment takes effect from 18 February. She takes over from Ricky Naidoo, who left USAASA in November last year, a year after he joined the government agency. The agency has been tasked with encouraging and enabling universal service and access of communication services in under-serviced areas.

USAASA CEO James Theledi says Horton's appointment is an indication that USAASA is growing and in a position to source professionals with impeccable credentials.

The agency is on a turnaround trail, following several years of failing to fulfil its mandate due to being under-resourced, both financially and in terms of human capacity

"In our quest to reposition USAASA and ensure that we become the champion of universal service and universal access, we need to attract the right skills that will provide the required capacity and leadership," said Theledi.

Naidoo, a former Standard Bank director of social strategy, was part of the new team that was hired to turn the organisation around. It is not clear why he left the organisation.

Horton joined Telkom in December 1996, based in the office of the group executive for regulatory and public policy.
