
Michael Corcoran

Senior Vice President, Information Builders

Michael Corcoran has 30 years’ experience as an implementer, strategist and evangelist on the topic of data and analytics. He works with leading organizations around the world who have implemented the largest and most successful deployments. Michael is a top-rated presenter at major industry conferences such as Gartner, TDWI and many more. He has also lectured on this topic at major universities and contributed numerous articles to industry publications and sites.

Michael Corcoran will be speaking on the following topic:

Accelerating the time to value from data and analytics

While data and analytics have become the top priority for most organizations, many executives believe they are not achieving the anticipated results and benefits from their investments. For example, everyone is excited about the potential for advanced analytics, such as predictive, AI and machine learning, yet fewer than 15% of organizations are applying these technologies in production projects. Using real-world case studies, this session will illustrate how market leaders are delivering on the high returns expected from data and analytics. In the session, we will discuss the importance of aligning your data strategy with your analytics strategy. We will also uncover the use cases which offer the best opportunities and how to avoid the 4 major inhibitors to success.   

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