Sponsorship opportunities

Why sponsor ITWeb Cloud, Data Centre Summit 2022?

At the ITWeb Cloud & Data Centre Summit 2022, we will look at how and why the cloud – in its various forms – and data centres form an integral part of every organisation’s business and support every aspect of it from storage, to working anywhere, to app development, deployment and security. As a vendor offering these solutions, this will be a great opportunity for you to share YOUR solutions and expertise with our wide base of readers and attendees at the conference.

Our C-Suite Roundtables are exclusive and focused, closed discussions customised specifically for you to reach the decision makers from the companies you want to engage with. You determine the theme and we provide the MC, campaign, target guest list and venue – a winning solution to delivering a C-Suite audience for you.

For more information on how you can capture this market at the ITWeb Cloud, Data Centre Summit 2022, contact Debbie Visser debbiev@itweb.co.za TODAY for a detailed breakdown of available sponsorship opportunities.

Sponsoring this event gives you the opportunity to:

  • Take advantage of opportunities for networking
  • Highlight your corporate presence and gain prominence among industry players
  • Establish yourself as a leader within the data centre, DevOps, cloud and ICT environment
  • Virtually meet leading, influential subject matter experts who will provide the latest updates
  • Keep abreast of industry trends and developments
  • Benefit from participating in the exchange of ideas
  • Introduce and promote products and services
  • Educate this unique audience about your products, services and solutions
  • Unique recurring access to high calibre delegates, such as COOs, CTOs and CIOs

Make this part of your MARKETING plan

Join us and meet a senior level business decision maker audience, who wants to learn more about the latest trends and technologies that can enable them to master multicloud. Take advantage of this powerful opportunity to showcase your capability in this arena. As a sponsor you will gain valuable connections to network with potential customers in person and in one place. You will get the opportunity to choose from a range of sponsorship, branding, and engagement opportunities to suit your budget and marketing needs.

This is not just another event sponsorship…Our campaign provides you not only exposure at the event but also pre and post event throughout all of ITWeb's communication channels including marketing; advertising; editorial; video; thought leadership; content delivery; press office and much more.

Is this your target market?

  • Business analyst
  • Chief information officers (CIOs)v
  • Chief executive officers (CEOs)
  • Chief technology officers (CTOs)
  • Enterprise architect
  • IT infrastructure architect/manager
  • IT operations manager
  • Head (of) IT
  • Head (of) IT infrastructure
  • Director General
  • Information architect
  • Information security manager
  • Data centre manager
  • Solutions architect
  • System(s) analyst
  • Cloud solution architect
  • Cloud portfolio manager
  • Network manager

If these job titles from the Top 100 companies in SA are a focus as part of your marketing drive for 2022, then the ITWeb Cloud & Data Centre Summit 2022 MUST form part of your strategy.