Ensuring data accuracy, completeness and consistency is the first step towards harnessing AI's full capabilities, says Wilhelm Swart, chief operational technology officer at 4Sight Holdings.
- 6.
- 2. 4Sight has earned six Microsoft Partner designations, which it says marks a milestone in its journey as one of a handful of true Microsoft Cloud Partners.
- 28. 4Sight Holdings delivered its 2024 4Sight Annual Integrated Report using artificial intelligence, a world first, the company believes.
- 6. A guide to delivering and sustaining optimal value through AI deployments.
- 4. By integrating AI into industry-specific ERP solutions, businesses can address their unique challenges and unlock a new level of efficiency, says 4Sight Holdings.
- 30. Revenue increased by 57.7% to R1 097.8 million and operating profit grew by 76.9% to R39.0 million.
- 27. Changing human behaviour is the best way to leverage the full benefits of technology to meet sustainability goals, says Jeandré du Randt, BE innovation lead at 4Sight.
- 28. ESG considerations are non-negotiable, and cross-ecosystem collaboration seamlessly aligns with ESG objectives, says Wilhelm Swart, Chief Operational Technologies Officer, 4Sight.
- 26. By using AI to analyse and understand their unstructured data, businesses can gain a deeper and more holistic view of their customers, markets, competitors and operations.
- 22. By collaborating with like-minded companies, businesses can amplify their capabilities, extend their reach and drive mutual growth, says Denzil Moorcroft, sales director at 4Sight Channel Partners.
- 19. ERP systems will gradually integrate AI like learning partners, not replacements, says Andre Cloete, chief IT officer at 4sight IT Cluster.
- 27. Revenue increased 34.9% to R939.2 million, while headline earnings per share – which strip out the effects of one-off financial events – more than doubled.
- 26. 4Sight released its results for the financial year ending December 2023, revealing a 70.6% increase in operating profit over the previous year.
- 7. The CIO role is evolving as digital transformation and AI become strategic imperatives for businesses that want to operate in the information age, says Willie Ackerman, chief sales and marketing officer at 4Sight Holdings.