TechForumFeb 20, 2024

Cyber threats on the rise: Businesses urged to ramp up defences

Deepfake technology, which creates convincing fake videos, poses various risks, including tricking business users into fraudulent transactions, says John Mc Loughlin, CEO at J2 Software.

TechForumJan 25, 2024

Modern business security: The power of unified cloud protection

SSE brings security closer to users and applications, allowing proactive threat detection, real-time monitoring and rapid response to potential security incidents, says John Mc Loughlin, CEO of J2 Software.

SecurityOct 20, 2023

Insider threats take centre stage: Companies acknowledge inadequate budgets to address root cause of breaches

J2 Software emphasised the inadequacy of current cyber security budgets in addressing the core cause of data breaches – insider risks.