Benefits of data mesh

Johannesburg, 30 Aug 2023
A decentralised way to share, access and manage analytical data.
A decentralised way to share, access and manage analytical data.

In the ever-evolving landscape of data management, a new concept has emerged, promising to revolutionise how organisations handle their data assets. Known as "data mesh", this innovative approach offers a decentralised and collaborative way to share, access and manage analytical data.

1. Unveiling the data mesh

The term "data mesh" might be on the lips of many industry experts, but what exactly is it? At its core, a data mesh is a decentralised and socio-technical framework that aims to solve the challenges of managing complex and large-scale data environments. Zhamak Dehghani, founder of the data mesh concept, describes it as a way to share, access and manage analytical data across organisations, fostering collaboration and efficiency.

2. Evolution of data management

To better understand the significance of the data mesh, let's first consider the traditional stages of data management within organisations. The evolution begins with a centralised data team, but as the complexity of data grows, aligning data teams with specific business domains becomes crucial. This shift reduces bottlenecks, enhances collaboration between domain experts and introduces self-service data models tailored to unique demands.

3. Four pillars of data mesh design

The success of a data mesh hinges on four key principles: domain ownership, treating data as a product, self-serve data platforms and federated computational governance.

By giving each domain the responsibility to design, build and manage data products, organisations ensure accountability and accuracy.

Treating data as a product ensures meaningful and valuable outputs, while self-serve platforms empower teams to create and share data products autonomously.

4. Who stands to benefit?

Data mesh is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It thrives in large enterprise organisations with complex data management needs, multiple business domains and a mature data environment. Organisations struggling with bottlenecks and inefficiencies due to centralised data teams can reap significant benefits from adopting the data mesh approach.

5. Implementing a data mesh strategy

Deploying a data mesh requires a top-down approach rooted in an organisation's overarching data strategy. Defining business domains, identifying use cases and adhering to eight data product design principles are crucial steps. The goal is to interconnect data products and create an environment that fosters collaboration and scalability.

6. The journey ahead

Implementing a data mesh is a commitment that spans multiple phases. The explore phase marks the beginning, followed by the expand phase where the organisation's broader teams begin publishing their products on the data mesh. Finally, the scale phase enhances capabilities and continuously adds value to data consumers.


The data mesh concept is reshaping the way organisations manage and leverage their data assets. By embracing a decentralised and collaborative approach, businesses can break down bottlenecks, empower domain experts and enhance the value derived from their data. As technology continues to advance, the data mesh approach offers a promising vision for the future of data management, enabling organisations to thrive in the data-driven era.

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