White paper: Alleviating printing pains in educational institutions

Johannesburg, 29 May 2019
Alleviating printing pains in educational institutions.
Alleviating printing pains in educational institutions.

South Africa's education sector is operating in a challenging landscape; private and public institutions alike, and from primary school through to secondary and tertiary education. Schools face a growing shortage of teaching skills, constantly evolving curriculums, and severe budgetary pressures.

Tertiary institutions are struggling with similar issues: insufficient resources, the need to achieve more with less money, accelerating demands for education, difficulties filling key research and teaching posts, and the need to evolve to keep pace with new technologies and changing social expectations.

Against this backdrop, each institution needs to focus on operational excellence and on ensuring it serves staff, learners, students and stakeholders, like funders and parents, in the most effective and efficient manner. One area where most institutions can experience quick and sustainable wins lies in optimising the costs of printing and paper.
