
FNB helps you bank online safely

Johannesburg, 01 Oct 2004

Transacting financially in the `real` world and in the `virtual` world present different safety threats, but of equal detriment to the safety of an individual`s cash. When transacting online people should be aware of two new threats in safety, namely phishing (pronounced "fishing") and spoofing.

Roland le Sueur, Head of FNB Internet Banking, comments: "Phishing and spoofing have become two very real dangers in the virtual world. Phishing is when a fraudster sends out messages (to e-mail addresses obtained illegally), pretending to be from another company (eg, a bank). The purpose of these e-mails is to extract your personal information. This information can then be used by the fraudster to commit fraud in your name.

"Spoofing is when a fraudster creates a Web site that looks like a genuine Web site, and also has a similar address (URL). They then commit online fraud by urging people to transact on this fake Web site - deposit money, and/or purchase items."

To protect your cash and personal details, Le Sueur suggests the following precautions:

* If you are not sure about the origin of an e-mail received, rather call the call centre to confirm the e-mails origin. For example, call an FNB help-line.

* Never reply to an e-mail requesting private/secret information such as your username and/or password.

* Instead of following the link from a suspicious e-mail, rather type in the URL in your browser`s address bar to go directly to the Web site.

* When you use a Web site, click on the VeriSign logo and read the security message.

* Check the e-mail for grammatically correct language.

* The e-mail will not ask/prompt you to go to suspicious Web site addresses to access the information - everything should be visible in plain text.

* Check to see that the e-mail is signed by an official.

* If at any stage you are suspicious, check the origin of the e-mail through a call centre/hotline.

Le Sueur adds: "FNB takes great pride in the security and safety of its Web site. Security features such as the DigiTag and inContact allow our customers to bank safely online; however, it is paramount that customers remain vigilant and aware.

"Just as people protect their homes from robbery with security gates and an alarm, we protect the public by educating them with information such as this and campaigns such as online security week," closes Le Sueur.

FNB is a division of FirstRand Bank Limited.

Editorial contacts

Claire Wallace
Fleishman Hillard SA
(011) 548 2043