
Java hiding in photos?

Patricia Pieterse
By Patricia Pieterse, iWeek assistant editor
Johannesburg, 05 Aug 2008

Java hiding in photos?

Researchers at NGSSoftware have developed a hybrid attack which embeds a Java applet within a GIF file and intend to present details on the exploit at the Black Hat security conference next week, says Ars Technica.

New and esoteric attacks are part and parcel of what Black Hat is about, but this particular vector could target Web sites with a particularly vulnerable population: MySpace and Facebook.

Social networking Web sites tend to attract younger users, and while this particular attack can be used in a variety of ways, embedding the hook in profile photos that are then seeded and targeted at the teen crowd could be a very effective tactic.

Sun releases JavaFX SDK

Sun Microsystems has finally released a software development kit (SDK) for JavaFX, two JavaOne conferences after it announced the rich client platform meant to take on Adobe's AIR and Flex platforms and Microsoft's Silverlight, says InternetNews.

The release consists of three components: the SDK itself, a plug-in for the NetBeans integrated development environment to help Java programmers build their JavaFX apps, and Project Nile, a bidirectional integration layer with Adobe Photoship and Illustrator.

One of the main features of JavaFX is the ability to take an application running in a Web browser and drag it to the desktop, where it will run locally with the same functionality it had on the Web.

Thais win regional Java Jive

Thai champion Snooze Monkey emerged victorious in the inaugural Java Jive Regional Challenge 2008 held in Singapore recently, says The Star Online.

Snooze Monkey submitted an application called Calories Assistant that allows users to manage their calorie intake.

The competition was a meeting of champions - the Singaporean and Malaysian teams were national champions in their local Java Jive contests.
