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  • Newland EMEA and partners celebrate 10-year anniversary in Ireland

Newland EMEA and partners celebrate 10-year anniversary in Ireland

Johannesburg, 27 Sep 2019

It’s a special year for Newland, with both the Newland Group and Newland EMEA celebrating anniversaries. This year marks the Newland Group's 25th year in the market. That’s 25 years of innovation and driving change, resulting in millions of Newland devices in use worldwide.

The Auto ID branch of the company launched an EMEA division 10 years ago, making this a standout year. 

In honour of the countless goals reached over the last decade and the partners it achieved this with, Newland EMEA went all out with its 2019 event. 

On 5 and 6 September, the company brought its partners together in Ireland for its annual partner event. The rolling hills of the Irish countryside provided the backdrop for a meeting, networking possibilities and a variety of activities.

For two days, 150 attendees from 31 different countries came together to connect and discover the latest trends and developments. 

However, it was Newland’s partners who stood at the centre of the event. With a focus on sharing experiences and showing appreciation for hard work and cooperation, the main goal was to inspire.

The partner event consisted of a meeting, evening programme and a day of activities that explored the Irish countryside. Each highlighting what the Newland community can achieve together. 

Additionally, some partners were put in the spotlight with the Newland Partner Awards

Here’s to many more years, continuing growth, innovation, excitement and to working alongside fantastic partners!

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