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Sync software implemented at LIV clothing, a community initiative aimed at rescuing orphaned children

Johannesburg, 30 Aug 2016

The LIV village in Cottonfields outside of Durban, KZN, is a long term cluster foster care, where children are given a sense of belonging in a supportive community, modelling an African village lifestyle. Orphans and vulnerable children are placed into a family environment with a trained foster mother to love them, a school to educate them and where all their needs are met. Started as a children's village eight years ago, it has since developed into a community-based organization which the founders Tich and Joan Smith hope will eventually be rolled out into other communities throughout Africa. Rather than aiming solely at rescue, LIV is committed to sustainability, providing life skills for these children to go on to lead independent lives.

LIV is a sustainable working farm, growing fruit and vegetables as well as flowers which are sold to generate funds that are then reinvested into the village. To add to this self-sustainable model, LIV Clothing was set up in 2016 as a separate company under the LIV Business banner, in partnership with a group of highly experienced people in the clothing industry who also want to give back to the community. The partnership in LIV clothing is made up of the LIV village, Darin Owen from Syle Eyes and Kate Baverstock. Fifty one percent of the profits go back to LIV and most of the prints appearing on the LIV products are designed by the kids of the village.

When iSyncSolutions heard of the new clothing company and already familiar with the great cause it was created to support, it offered to implement their apparel software system, Sync, free of charge, for LIV Clothing. After all, this clothing label deserves as good a chance as any of using the leading clothing software system designed to simplify the business process and improve efficiency and profitability. Sync is proud to have added this label to its client base. For more information about LIV Village visit or visit to learn more about SA's leading ERP and PLM software system for apparel businesses.


Editorial contacts

Wendy Booysen
iSync Solutions