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2017, the year when technology forces truly converge

Johannesburg, 09 Jan 2017
Ernest Kleynhans, MD at Assimilated Information Systems (AIS).
Ernest Kleynhans, MD at Assimilated Information Systems (AIS).

It has been on the cards for some time and the proverbial writing has been on the wall: in 2017, the so-called 'nexus of forces' will impact business operations in a major way - and companies will either be ready or go out of business. That is the reality facing all industries today, says Ernest Kleynhans, MD of local specialist software and IT services provider Assimilated Information Systems (AIS).

Kleynhans acknowledges that 2016 has been a challenging and volatile year, and it is really challenging to make any predictions with any level of certainty. However, he does believe 2017 will be the year where connectivity will make all the difference, where undersea fibre cable systems and last mile connectivity will truly count.

"Most businesses have already begun with the migration to digital, transforming their core systems and leveraging technology like the cloud, big data, analytics and the Internet of things. This transformation will become more and more entrenched in the future," says Kleynhans.

2017 is likely to be a landmark year for service providers and solution developers. If they keep ahead of the growth curve, tailor their offerings and engage the market effectively, there is little to stop them from capitalising off digital transformation and the rollout of third platform technologies.

The AIS MD says that spin-off results of this convergence of technology is the advent of M2M (machine-to-machine) connectivity, the widespread integration of sensors and the opportunity to benefit from the multitude of connected 'things'.

According to Kleynhans, businesses will increasingly adopt the hybrid cloud model to streamline ICT infrastructure management and ensure cost efficiency, as well as take heed of Artificial Intelligence (AI) as influences like robotics, smart technology and platforms grow in significance and are applied at various levels of society.

"Make no mistake next year is going to be a game-changer, to coin a very over-used expression, but it will be... businesses, no matter what focus or direction, or size for that matter, will have the same opportunity and this coming year can be the make or break for most operations, depending on their digital transformation strategy," he adds.


Assimilated Information Systems (AIS)

Assimilated Information Systems (AIS) is an established South African specialist services provider of software and information technology. It was incorporated in 2006 to supply large companies and multi-nationals, and leverages off its inherent intellectual capital - over 66 years of combined IT industry experience.

In 2013 the company entered a new phase of development when it became a member of e4. AIS is comprised of a close-knit group of specialists with a wide range of expertise in the fields of:

* Document generation, automation and governance;
* Digital signatures;
* Access control, asset tracking and biometrics;
* Specialised software development for Microsoft platforms, including:
* Application development and system integration;
* Security;
* Communications; and
* Enterprise Systems Architecture.

Large software development projects undertaken include:

* Renewal of aging Branch Application Infrastructure for Teller applications (Absa Retail Bank);
* Develop Application Infrastructure and Applications to support and integrate Teller Cash Recyclers (Absa Retail Bank); and
* Develop Application Infrastructure and Applications to replace manual treasury book (Absa Retail Bank).
* Using our DocFusion product suite:
* Enable paperless customer on boarding and complex contract generation including digital signatures (Absa Retail Bank); and
* Generate complex contracts for Commercial Property Funding customers (Absa Bank CPF).

AIS partners include: Ovations, Prosense Technology and Liv4IT.

The Company is also a certified Microsoft Gold Application Development partner.

Our extensive profile of solutions, which incorporates DocFusion, Orchestrate, Insight and Repayment Schedule Calculator, is designed to help clients address key challenges associated with keeping ahead of technology trends.

These trends include advanced document generation and management, digital signatures, data processing and entry, workflow, as well as all relevant areas of compliance. AIS also offers Cloud-based, Software-as-a-Service (SAAS) or on-premises solutions.

Editorial contacts

Assimilated Information Systems
(+27) 11 731 8050