
2023 Converge Summit: AI’s transformative power

Johannesburg, 19 Oct 2023
Exploring the responsible AI journey.
Exploring the responsible AI journey.

Business leaders, C-suite executives and senior managers across industries converged on The Forum, in Bryanston, Sandton, last month as 4Sight Holdings presented the 2023 Converge AI Summit.

The conference took place against the backdrop of rapid advancement and innovation driven by artificial intelligence (AI) in corporate and industrial business environments.

“In the last six months, the world has changed considerably due to the impact that automation in data processing and generative AI is having on society at large and businesses in particular,” said Tertius Zitzke, CEO at 4Sight Holdings.

“The reality is that AI is here, and the time to adopt this technology is now. If business leaders hesitate to make the decision to invest and start their journey to AI-enabled operations today, they risk losing ground to their competitors.”

Ravi Bhat, Chief Technology and Solutions Officer for Microsoft – Africa region, presented the event keynote together with Tertius Zitzke, highlighting what a responsible AI journey looks like.

He commented: “Microsoft has created core principles for responsible AI, which it uses to develop and design the AI solutions. These principles include fairness, reliability and safety, privacy and security, inclusiveness, transparency and accountability. To put these principles in action there needs to be governance around it; the need for rules to standardise AI requirements; the need for training and best practices and the need for implementation.”

Willie Ackerman, 4Sight’s Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, said: “The event, themed 'Future Forward 4Sight', hosted a prominent panel of speakers who shared significant insights with the 300 delegates in attendance, empowering them to accelerate their digital AI transformation journeys and future-proof their businesses.

“The breakaway sessions that followed spanned three streams – operational technology, information technology and business environment. These streams covered customer use case presentations and 33 technology presentations, which all included a link to AI in different vertical sector and market contexts,” added Ackerman.

“Attendees experienced real-world examples showcasing how companies successfully integrate AI and other advanced digital technologies into their operations to advance their digital capabilities and improve their operations,” continued Zitzke.

Experts from 4Sight Holdings and the event's strategic partners covered topics related to digitalising business across all major vertical markets and industries to unlock the power of visibility, enhance efficiencies, minimise risk and maximise profitability.

“Speakers also took a future-forward look at AI's role in businesses, with presentations that covered the application of AI in the industrial metaverse, workplace modernisation in preparation for AI and the future of an ESG-integrated business with AI at its heart, among others,” continued Ackerman.

“Multiple streams demonstrated how 4Sight combines market-leading technologies with our unique approach and the domain expertise held by our people to help businesses make the quantum leap to Enterprise 5.0 organisations of the future – no matter the industry in which they operate,” concluded Zitzke.
