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Breaking barriers, building bridges: Zoom Fibre's impact on women's empowerment

Johannesburg, 14 Aug 2023
Promoting digital inclusion and empowering women across SA.
Promoting digital inclusion and empowering women across SA.

Connectivity and digital inclusion have become a lifeline for businesses and individuals alike. For women-led businesses and households, this connectivity has never been more important and enables them and their families to thrive in various spheres. Zoom Fibre, which positions itself as a leading internet service provider, has been at the forefront of promoting digital inclusion and empowering women across South Africa.

Landscape of women-led homes in SA

South Africa, like many other countries, has witnessed a significant increase in women-led households over the years. According to recent statistics, approximately 42% of South African households are led by women, indicating the growing economic importance and influence of women in the country.

While this shift is undoubtedly positive, it also poses unique challenges for women seeking to create and maintain successful businesses while juggling household responsibilities. Access to reliable internet connectivity is a crucial factor that can determine their ability to excel in both domains.

Empowering women-led businesses

Zoom Fibre's cutting-edge technology and infrastructure offer impressive internet speeds, ensuring that businesses can operate seamlessly and efficiently. Whether it's an e-commerce venture or a brick-and-mortar business, a stable internet connection plays a vital role in facilitating communication, optimising operations and engaging with clients.

Zoom Fibre's robust internet connectivity enables flexible work arrangements, such as remote work and telecommuting. This is especially beneficial for women who might prefer to work from home due to familial responsibilities.

In the digital era, geography is no longer a barrier to accessing international markets. With high-speed internet, women-led businesses can effectively reach and serve customers globally, expanding their horizons and unlocking new growth opportunities.

Zoom Fibre's commitment to schools

Digital empowerment begins with education. Zoom Fibre is actively working to close the digital gap so that every child, regardless of their gender or background, has equal access to educational resources and opportunities.

The fibre company has partnered with several ISPs to launch its Schools Fibre Project, which aims to connect schools across South Africa for free. With the goal of connecting 100 schools by the end of the year, Zoom Fibre is already well on its way to success!

Zoom Fibre's dedication to empowering women-led businesses and households through connectivity and education is a testament to the transformative power of technology. With fast and reliable internet access, women entrepreneurs can take charge of their businesses, access global markets and achieve remarkable success. Zoom Fibre’s commitment to promoting digital inclusion in schools ensures that the next generation of women leaders is equipped with the tools they need to shape a better future.

Zoom Fibre's earnest drive to connect South Africans in both rural and urban areas serves as a symbol of hope, motivating women to take the lead, embrace innovation and excel in the digital era. Zoom Fibre’s focus on women-led businesses and households reinforces the groundwork for an inclusive and thriving society, where women's voices resound and their limitless potential is realised.

Learn more about Zoom Fibre’s mission to connect South Africa at
