
Can technology replace people?

By Muggie van Staden, MD and CEO of Obsidian Systems

Johannesburg, 02 Sep 2022
Muggie van Staden, MD and CEO of Obsidian Systems.
Muggie van Staden, MD and CEO of Obsidian Systems.

Many people believe that automation, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) will eventually replace all of us. Some managers might even joke that they are likely to substitute a poor performing staff member with a well-written script. But more realistically, technology will only take over certain roles, leaving us to focus on delivering more strategic value. 

Take the automotive sector as an example. Many decades ago, Japanese manufacturers used technology to replace specific roles when it came to assembling cars. This fundamentally reinvented the way cars are built with today’s assembly lines, a predominantly computer-driven affair.

In healthcare, the availability of big data and complex ML algorithms have made it possible for computers to diagnose cancer much more effectively than a team of doctors. These machines are ‘trained’ based on the knowledge and experience of specialists. In turn, the extensive computing power is used to examine an X-ray and identify the patterns that suggest cancer. So, while doctors will always be critical for healthcare and treatment, the role of diagnoses can be replaced by technology.

Even in the legal field, technology can be used to enhance the process. Computers can access all case law throughout history and regurgitate the relevant information faster than what any team of paralegals will be able to accomplish. Of course, lawyers will always be necessary to litigate.

These are just some examples of how technology can replace certain roles people are performing, freeing them up to reskill and upskill into different areas.

Training process

Thanks to the rate of technological innovation, we no longer have to be stuck doing menial work. This unlocks significant opportunities for growth across virtually any industry. Having the opportunity to learn new skills mean employees can become far more dynamic than to what they are currently limited.

This will never result in a computer taking over from an individual as that person can always fulfil a more significant role inside the organisation. People will always be a necessary resource at any company.

Consider song writing. Yes, there are examples of computers writing music. If we give them enough data, they will be able to extrapolate key words and phrases that imply a romantic song. But technology will never understand love, romance and heartache. There will never be that emotional connection to the lyrics and the music.

Symbiotic relationship

Rather than viewing it as an either-or scenario, it is about combining people and technology to unlock value. Without people, technology will not know what to do. Using this as a basis, it is possible to better enable customers to benefit from today’s digital world.

For instance, Obsidian provides our customers with the tools, technologies and processes to reach the strategic goals they set for themselves. Technology makes this a much easier process enriched by the expertise of individuals. It is about taking strategy, putting it into action, and making things more observable.

Ultimately, technology helps people execute better, faster and in more agile ways. It is here to make things easier and take what is improbable and transform it into something that is possible to do.


Obsidian Systems

Obsidian Systems is an established supplier of Smarter Hybrid IT Open Source software solutions. The company was started in 1995 as a modest services provider targeting businesses and organisations looking to integrate and leverage off Linux infrastructure.

Obsidian Systems has expanded by partnering with Autumn Leaf, GuruHut and RadixTrie.

Our group of companies forms a formidable team who strives to find “smarter” ways to unlock the enterprise potential of applying Open Source solutions to deliver on your Hybrid IT strategy.

We specialise in retail and subscription management services; vendor-certified products and local skills providing support, compliance, testing and observability for managed services; consulting, architecting and software services to support hybrid IT strategies for your business across all of your data centres, branches, IaaS, PaaS and edge devices for everything:

  • Teams
  • Code
  • Compute
  • Data

We specialise in innovative offerings built on the latest open source technology. Our latest being a hybrid IT management platform called TACO that delivers a single pane of glass to automate, test, comply and observe your complete hybrid IT environment no matter where it is.

Obsidian Systems is a Level 1 contributor to Broad-based Black Economic empowered supplier of open source software solutions in South Africa. We help teams to get their code to the best compute and the correct data.

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Editorial contacts

Gloria Malan