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City Power toll-free hotline goes live

Staff Writer
By Staff Writer, ITWeb
Johannesburg, 16 Jan 2024
City Power’s new toll-free line will operate daily between 6:00 and 18:00.
City Power’s new toll-free line will operate daily between 6:00 and 18:00.

Electricity utility City Power is today introducing a toll-free hotline for customers to escalate power supply interruptions.

According to City Power, interruptions need to exceed a 24-hour period for individual calls, and four hours for area outages.

The new toll-free line forms part of the utility’s efforts to ensure “effective and efficient” supply interruption resolution and communication to the City of Johannesburg customers.

Additionally, it will serve as an escalation platform that will handle enquiries on prolonged supply interruptions. Customers may also use the platform to escalate streetlights' outages, seven days post reporting the fault, reveals City Power.

“City Power aims to restore supply to its customers speedily, however, due to various causes; supply may not always be restored within the expected period. The toll-free line is intended to address such instances and will operate daily between 6:00 and 18:00.”

When calling the toll-free line, City Power advises customers to have their reference numbers handy to avoid spending more time on the call.

Furthermore, it encourages customers to continue using the call centre number – 011 490 7484 – or the existing toll-free line 0800 202 925 and online portal to report their faults.

“The new toll-free line will only address outages which are already recorded on the utility's system, as this channel is not meant for reporting faults. With the dedicated toll-free line for query escalation, City Power aims to provide customers with a direct and free channel to follow up on their calls without incurring costs for the call.

“We believe that this initiative will foster stronger ties between City Power and the community, demonstrating our dedication to a customer-centric service.”

The new toll-free line is available on 0800 003 156.
