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  • Compuways rated amongst top 4 IT Recruitment companies in South Africa

Compuways rated amongst top 4 IT Recruitment companies in South Africa

The Corporate Research Foundation ( specialises in researching companies for best business practises and then publishes books about their findings. In their book: "Top ICT Companies in South Africa 2003/2004" they have rated Compuways amongst the top 4 IT recruitment companies in South Africa.

Amongst the criteria used is financial stability, management style, use of technology and quality processes. Says Arnold Graaff, Managing Member of Compuways: "We are competitive in the IT recruitment industry because we take care to deliver the right person to the right position. We measure our success not only in the accuracy of our candidates but also in the lasting of our placements. We use technology throughout the recruitment process to assist us in every way possible to deliver quality products. My management philosophy is that of empowerment of my consultants to enable them to make more and more informed decisions themselves."
