
E-business: Complete solutions

Johannesburg, 08 Jan 2003

Paul Fick, MD of Spescom DataFusion, emphasises the need for a complete approach when applying an e-business strategy. Spescom is a leading player in providing systems which interface with customers, including those that comprise the latest multimedia technology but remain centred on voice as the dominant communication method.

"There are several factors contributing to voice contact remaining a dominant aspect in both local and global markets," says Fick. "The experience of overseas industry players during the last few years has highlighted the need for more than just online communication, whether dealing with customers in an e-commerce setting or partner companies in a pure e-business solution.

"It should be noted that studies indicate that most users go to transactional Web sites on the basis of referral and, perhaps for similar reasons, expect online resources to offer backup e-mail and phone query facilities. Although automated self-help functions are important in the productivity area, there will always be a number of more complex queries that need human intervention.

"The use of call centre agents as part of a complete e-business solution is widespread in both the US and the EU - and in SA, we have one of the highest usages of call centres per capita in the world."

There are social and infrastructure aspects which promote the use of traditional communications in the local market.

"Although we have the latest technology available, local users are still more comfortable with voice as a means of confirming or querying transactions," says Fick. "To achieve the best levels of service without excessive costs, local companies then depend on a well-integrated combination of efficient call centre systems to handle voice contact and recording alongside the front-office software that provides agents with the information they need.

"Most of the business in this country is conducted from a small number of urban centres that deal with customers across the entire country. Add to this the relatively low availability of Internet connectivity and the high cost of bandwidth and it becomes clear that voice will remain a key component of doing business - even if the first contact point for the transaction is a Web site."

Strategic planning is as important as the abilities of the technology being used.

"E-business is a far more complex process than was first realised," says Fick. "The prospects of dealing with vast numbers of customers at minimal costs for individual transactions were the focus of the early Internet operations. It was quickly proved that doing business online still involved the need for other channels of communication. Those businesses with successful models are those that have combined the best elements of online contact with well-planned systems for human contact.

"Even as we move ahead with legislation to allow digital signatures and the deployment of sophisticated multimedia, the intervention of human agents will remain part of providing quality service, legal proof of agreements and transactions, and the efficient running of business processes."


Spescom is a multi-national technology innovator with direct operations in the US, UK and SA.

The group is publicly listed on the JSE Securities Exchange SA (Spescom Ltd), and on the NASDAQ OTCBB : ALTS.OB (Spescom Software Inc).

Spescom addresses the information and communications technology market providing both products and solutions to connect to the network economy, as well as enterprise software to manage information and knowledge.

Specifically, Spescom provides solutions in the areas of access network; enterprise information management; multimedia transaction recording; broadcast; customer contact centres; and test and measurement.

Spescom markets its products worldwide through appointed partners and distributors under the eB brand for its enterprise software, and the DataVoice brand for its multimedia transaction recording solutions.

Spescom's global customer base consists of multi-national organisations including leading enterprises in the utilities, telecommunications, transportation, financial, banking and insurance sectors.

Worldwide, customers include Siemens, British Telecoms, Network Rail (formerly Railtrack), Lloyds of London, Barclays Bank, Abbey National Bank, WH Smith, Caterpillar, Bechtel, AmerenUE, Entergy, Bombardier, Ocean Energy, Sempra Energy, Telkom, SABC, Old Mutual, Eskom, Transnet, First National Bank.

For more information on Spescom, please visit and

Editorial contacts

Deirdre Blain
Blain & Associates
(011) 789 8548