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eBook: Data centres: To build or to lease, that is the question

Johannesburg, 25 Mar 2019
Data centres: To build or to lease, that is the question.
Data centres: To build or to lease, that is the question.

As technology optimises the way in which we do business, especially the more reliant we become on data and cloud applications, there's an increasing need to relook at how we go about managing and storing all of the critical information that drives daily operations.

As businesses expand, there needs to be an increased focus on the time, resources and budget allocated towards successfully storing and managing the wealth of data that each organisation requires to function optimally. In the past, there wasn't much of a choice when it came to storing data; data centres were built, maintained and managed in-house. This option required a substantial amount of time, research and planning, and there were also some often overlooked issues, such as additional electricity usage and ensuring up-time that have made the onsite data centre an investment approached with trepidation.

More businesses that have invested substantially in their own data centres have come to realise the true cost of managing this endeavour. Apart from the upfront costs of building a data centre, acquiring servers and the equipment needed to run the operation, there are many other requirements for a fully functioning data centre that have started to interfere with business objectives and planning. These include internal and external IT management, issues with bandwidth, data legislation, Internet security as well as staff training and access control to the physical servers. This eBook will explore these and other requirements.
