
eBook: Economic resilience

Learning to ride the waves of disruption in a downturn.

Johannesburg, 03 May 2023

To say the economic outlook for 2023 is “unpredictable” could be the understatement of the year. Some say the global economy is being hit by a generational storm, a “bomb cyclone” not seen since the energy crisis in the 1970s. 

When the forecast is this stormy, it’s tempting to play it safe, stay in harbour and wait for it to blow over. But this unpredictability could be the new reality, a “permacrisis” that we will all have to navigate. 

The pressure can seem overwhelming, but as a technology leader, you know you can’t afford to freeze in the eye of the storm. The key is to stay calm, look at all the relevant facts and plot a course that can adapt to the changing conditions, while still moving you in the right direction. 

With resilience, agility and courage, you will be able to ride the waves of disruption and forge towards the long-term goals of your business. 

Please download this eBook to learn more.
