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eBook: Microsoft 365 Records Management Roadmap

Johannesburg, 08 Jun 2023

The COVID-19 pandemic put a spotlight on the need for businesses to rethink their approach to flexible, remote, collaborative ways of working leveraging cloud-based services. For example, Microsoft Teams, the world’s leading enterprise collaboration platform, grew by 894% between the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020 to June 2020. 

While all the talk of digital collaboration and cloud storage is great for business productivity and collaboration, it does present a new challenge for records managers. Today, in many organisations, records management works in much the same way it has for decades: when a record is created, records managers classify it, file it and store it, as well as control the life cycle of the record. In some sectors, organisations still use physical records too. 

So, while the world adjusts to new digital ways of working, information and records managers are no exception. Records management practices need to evolve with today’s digital transformation trends. 

Please download the eBook below to learn more.
