
For the love of challenge

No shouts of "show me the money" from this year`s respondents. It`s the sheer challenge that keeps most of them coming back for more.
By Bhavna Singh
Johannesburg, 03 May 2006

When it comes to job satisfaction close to half of respondents (44%) to this year`s ITWeb Salary Survey love their jobs - almost double the 2005 finding. Compare that to the 22% who claimed to love their jobs in 2004, 25% in 2003 and a mere 6% in 2002.

[CHART]In terms of the factors considered most important for one`s job satisfaction, "challenge and responsibility" ranked the highest, closely followed by "job atmosphere". Money took the number three spot.

Career prospects made the top four - which is encouraging, since the same factor was cited as the top reason for leaving the country.

Most striking were the incremental differences between the various indicators, with the top three having only a tenth of a percent difference between them. This trend followed on downward throughout the indicators, with the perk of "business travel" coming in last place.

[CHART]Surprisingly, most benefits, including health and retirement and additional leave advantages fell into the bottom half of the rating scale.

The second largest portion of respondents (43%) indicated they were "neutral" about their feelings towards their jobs, while those who were "not satisfied at all" numbered 13%.

[CHART]But what about the money? There were no surprises here: as in previous years, those who were "very happy" took home the most cash - that is 7% of the respondents earning on average over R34 000 per month.

More than half the respondents (57%) felt their salaries were "fair", which bodes well for the industry. Those who indicated they were "not happy at all" earned the least, on average R15 000 per month, which dropped from an average of R16 400 in this response category last year.
