
King Hintsa FET College invests in ITS Integrator

Johannesburg, 07 Aug 2013

The King Hintsa Further Education and Training (FET) College has acquired the ITS Integrator solution to streamline and automate its day-to-day operations, and to provide integrated management information to support decision-making at various levels. The solution is provided by a specialist education sector business unit of Adapt IT, a leading technology solutions and services company, listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange.

The King Hintsa FET College is the third college to implement the ITS Integrator solution in the Eastern Cape. The college, with a head office in Butterworth,Eastern Cape, has an annual enrolment of 3 500 students and operates on six campuses: Teko, Willowvale, Msobomvu, Dutywa, Centane and Blythwood.

ITS Integrator provides a rich set of functionality to enable back-office and front-office operations, as well as self-service and mobile applications for students and staff. King Hintsa has purchased ITS Integrator for streamlining processes and integrating different business areas. The system will support the following functions: general student management, student financial management, all aspects of finance and asset management, as well as personnel management.

"ITS Integrator allows us to not only automate the process of data capturing, but it provides a wider variety of data capturing fields. A major benefit of the system is also the fact that all campuses' information is now in one integrated system and it gets updated in real-time. In the past, the Student, Finance and HR departments were all separated, using different systems," says Jomo Jacobs, College Administrator at King Hintsa.

"The implementation of ITS Integrator means we now also have improved reporting capabilities and can timeously report to the Department of Higher Education and Training," says Jacobs.

"Implementation of ITS Integrator was fast-tracked at the King Hintsa FET College as the institution urgently needed computerised support in all aspects of its business. Implementation commenced in the first week of June and the first system modules went live on 26 July 2013. The rest of the system will systematically be rolled out over the next few months," says Frans van den Berg, business development manager at Adapt IT.

Contact for information on the ITS Integrator product suite, and how it can benefit your institution.


Adapt IT

Adapt IT has over 350 employees throughout SA, with customers across SA, sub-Saharan Africa, Australasia, USA and Europe. It provides a range of specialised IT solutions and services to customers in a number of sectors, including manufacturing, mining, education and financial services.

Editorial contacts

Aloma Swanepoel
Watt Communications
(011) 425 6290