
KTS pays StatsSA enumerators

By KTS Technology Solutions
Johannesburg, 31 Oct 2012

Project description

The project was to provide a payment solution for the enumerators employed by Statistics South Africa (StatsSA) for the Census 2011 National Project. KTS Technology Solutions used a prepaid card to ensure that all employed contract workers received their stipends as allocated by StatsSA.

Short description

StatsSA trained over 160 000 fieldworkers who would undertake the task of enumeration for the Census 2011 project. Out of the trained fieldworkers, over 135 000 enumerators were to be employed as the enumerators for the project. Due to time constraints and no slack between the training and the actual enumeration, all trained fieldworkers were to be issued with a card, which was to be used for payment once employment was confirmed.

This included distribution of over 160 000 cards all over South Africa to each of the trained fieldworkers. KTS had to collect the necessary biographical information from the cardholder and populate it into a central database together with the card information. This information, together with the final payment file from StatsSA, was then used to pay over 135 000 enumerators with their stipends for the work they've done during the project.

KTS facilitated the payment of enumerators by using a co-branded Visa prepaid card, backed by Absa bank. The single-source card allowed all enumerators' stipends to be deposited into the card on the stipulated date as required by StatsSA. The enumerators were then able to access their funds through any ATM or transact via a point-of-sale device at any merchant in SA.

After the payment of the enumerators, KTS had to ensure that all queries and disputes (mostly over lost cards and PINs) were resolved to the satisfaction of the cardholder. This required KTS to again distribute cards to some areas all over South Africa in order to ensure the querying enumerators received all of their funds.

Together with the listing (the project aimed at identifying the different buildings around SA and listing them to be included in the Census 2011 project), KTS managed the payment of over 160 000 contract workers for StatsSA.


Editorial contacts

Thabang Mokoena
KTS Technology Solutions
(+27) 11 805 1010