
Save bandwidth with Office 365

By Sean Bacher, ITWeb contributor.
Johannesburg, 28 May 2013
There are a number of ways users can save bandwidth when using Office 365, says Sean Bacher.
There are a number of ways users can save bandwidth when using Office 365, says Sean Bacher.

Many companies want to use cloud services, but are concerned about the cost and speed of bandwidth.

In SA, there is a well-recognised challenge around the cost and quality of the so-called "last mile" - the connection between the end-user device and the Internet. While costs are tumbling and international bandwidth has become readily available in the last few years, companies still need to scrutinise their network architecture to ensure it is used optimally.

While many of these challenges apply to on-premise software in the same way, cloud services change the usage pattern from providing networking for the organisation, to being concerned with the connectivity of the individual user. Using cloud services certainly requires a re-think of the total solution spend and which components companies invest in. While cloud realises cost savings for companies on the whole, there is a larger dependency on network connectivity, and this may require a shift in spend.

Ways to save bandwidth when using Office 365:

* Do not e-mail documents as attachments - especially to large groups of internal users. Save them on SharePoint and e-mail a link.
* Turn on version control in SharePoint. Only the difference (delta) on the file will be uploaded.
* Avoid multiple versions of the same document in the organisation by using a good file library structure.
* Use the online viewers to pre-view documents before streaming them down to a machine, confirming that it is the correct document required.
* Cache SharePoint document libraries locally using SkyDrive Pro.
* Use SharePoint "external users" to communicate documents to trade partners like suppliers. SharePoint Online allows up to 50 external users.
* Use SharePoint public Web site to communicate information to other anonymous users. Create a blog for interaction with interested users rather than sending mass mailers.
* Use the Office Deployment Toolkit to redistribute Office desktop components rather than download for each user.
* Use Lync Online instant messaging when talking to a single user - avoid multiple mails. Lync creates a direct connection to the other user's PC if there are only two people in the conversation.

Microsoft offers a number of online calculators that assist users to determine the optimal bandwidth layout. Starting a 30-day Office 365 trial also allows users to test the service, free of subscription charges, to determine if the network architecture will deliver a quality of service.

* Follow Sean Bacher on Twitter @SeanBacher for more Office 365 tips.
